Over the years I've heard a lot of peoples opinion on love, understanding that people will only understand anything from the perspective their experience allows.
I'm writing this for the people who've said to me
 "Yes I've been in love before, Love hurts".
No you havent been in love before, you've been in relationships before and love hurts absolutely no one, People do. Now let me help you understand love.
Love is giving, love is seeing everything as you see yourself love is a projection of your soul and the energy that exists flowing with you and through you towards the world within your perspective(los ojos).
Love is giving without expectation of a return Allowing Karma to deliver to you what is rightfully yours as you have demanded it.  Love is you and you are Love
(God is love)
You are God. So for the people still trying to SEE God you see him everyday in the eyes of the people you choose to either love or hate and like everyone else this is a universe of  some of whom just haven't recognized that they are Gods Yet.


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