{ } IS NOT EMPTY #Genuistheories

Imagine a ball balling from space towards earth and the imagine another ball projected from earth towards the ball heading from space,

nothing mind blowing about this visualization but the new TVseries Genius incorporating a close to home but potentially fictional display of Einsteins life and summation of the theories of his demise.
                                                   Got me thinking........
What is time but a mere quantification of ones conscious experience.
The brilliance of the mind on it's own escapades has allowed Man to stop time digitally and that was years ago when we started to take photographs and today media has a whole new meaning. But to stay on topic,

Eisteen died trying to prove a very simple and rather reasonable conjunction that everything travels through something. Your voice to someone's ears though vibrations that then resonate as sound, your eyes see images as your brain is capable of translating the reflection of light from the object right in front of you one might adeptly argue that everything is communicating with it self through itself but barely completely understanding what the other is saying. Like a room of bilingual dictators without their translators, struggling to understand matters of state through hand gestures and facial expression. I digress..

                      My Point is this -_-_-_- }~ The space between today and tomorrow is filled with any and everything you can put into it, so try not to waste it Work on your self grow The person that you are (your person) explore everything that you find of interest to you, life is not about being proper, its about properly living. for you and everything that you come to love and carry with you for a time during all of the time that you have. I Know its a tongue twister but the point is that you can relate....



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