
Showing posts from February, 2013
Some guys look a lot better with their shirts off I swear I would sink my teeth into them.. like I hate the son of a bitch who invented clothing we were much happier naked like girls were much more accessible
It's kinda crazy how people have to look good in public and it also scares me to think that people intentionally look like shit.. I must confess though I like the feeling I get when I look a lot better than the person sitting next to me....

The Celebrity Histeria

It's so cute when Hollywood acting becomes a family business like I admire the fact that nobody wants to be a fisherman or a carpenter anymore ... I just wonder how we will all have furniture for the next few years or fish.... God bless the world..
I like the feeling when I see cutes guys that know their cute it's so damn great check this out...WOW right and they all got that look that's like..."yeah I know you want me"
Shit sometimes I forget what money does to ya ..celebs gotta mellow bitches it gets crazier in the long run don't get carried away when you ain't even gotten started yet what's the hurry... Anyway you can't blame her for being a kid we all are kids still and we do stupid and dummer things so back off the bitches tail


Why are we the one's who suffer ....when things go wrong in our life's it's almost like our walls just rise to shut every thing out like you hearth Is actually breaking free of your chest and yea sometimes it is really hurtful but not enough to stop living for let's not kill our future it's not worth the drama for a long period of unhappiness and torture it's basically creating our own Hell ...Dude not worth it pick up and move the fuck on
Just be realistic for a blank second and imagine the direction your life is headed be a plain old critique with major artistic vision you can make anything happen ...And don't you dare say you have no creative imagination cause everyone does in their own side kick sorta way and the sooner we learn to be appreciative of it the sooner we evolve and know this... a humans basic IQ

Millions for a knock up


Screw "WHO"

Never let nobody tell you who or what you should be be confident tilt your head up and sing it out loud I'm perfect in my own way ...your not a freak your not weird "special,unique" yes you are that...Don't under estimate your ability to turn your life around and make a perfect turn out your not the bottom of the food chain when you've got hands to climb to the top  Babe look in the mirror and remember screw who said  what do you say...REMEMBER YOU..


Break ups ...Wow they can be hard you know relying on someone for so long and then suddenly having to just disconnect it's hard and really painful and it does suck in a kick ass way and it doesn't just hurt you it kinda affect both parties but when we do breakup we assume that the pain is on just us like cause we can practically just feel our own feelings and that's what we know ...I get how it feels especially the first few weeks of attempting to forget the past...DON'T try to forget or move on try to ACCEPT..

Feel the Rush

Storms are like part of your life there's no use getting an umbrella cause it's still gonna pour down on you right? Sometimes i just don't get it at all it's complication is part of why I'm so intrigued you know...i don't mean to sound cliche just can't help how i feel its like i can't stop the swirl of emotions pouring out of me like its a natural phenomenon ...Now i feel; the rush i get its a wave of love and the actuality of live staring you ...TURN IT UP NOW!!!! it's a loud vibration moving through me i can't stop it and possibly n either can you i feel alive for the first time in a long time and this feeling is one i don't want to end at all it's incredible and so not spontaneous at all so there it is that rush and trust me I'm not high just listening to "turn up the music" by Chris brown and i feel the passion behind the creation..xoxoxoxo

Fantasy of LOVE

Love is a story that goes on for ages it's like it's one story that's never gonna go away it's imprinted in nature and true fact of reality is it hurts as much as it gives .....The ability of an adult to love is with conditions but the love of a child is like no other power the world is capable of giving out ...i don't know if this makes sense but it doesn't exist without the plain of trust ..the grass ain't always greener on the other side but as long as you water it ...

Hey now

awesome is when you know who you are and what your coming for cause all you need is you and a beauty who can make your life complete you gotta you just find a her...cause you shit I'm over talking again bitch just get this your young your alive pick a hobby and get it done

Teenage dream

it's time for you to stand up for yourself...everyone has that one person that sort of takes away yourself confidence but that shouldn't be you can pull free be a new you open to the magic of life never looking back at what you missed just forging ahead be the mighty you... the incredible person you don't wanna believe you are live the dream you don't need an addition believe that what ever you have now is more than enough dream big and wrap your hands around the reality of your thoughts and get it bigger than you ever imagined this is real take a chance and never look back.....


Who loved what NickiMinaj wore to the last mtv show awards..i for one think it was off the hook..i mean talk about artistic and hot it was hottistic and iloved it....No wonder drake is still head over hills ....whoooo..,.


in a cliche kinda way you seriously have top find life a little subtly on the edge and yeah with every passing day there are developments and most of which you don't appreciate and you don't love or connect with and i for one agree that the best way to relieve you of  your watever is to listen to really can tell a lot about a person by the kind of music they listen to and it is really comforting to put yourself in that mood...its great to have that special alone time with your ipod

lifestyle: Opinion

lifestyle: Opinion : Every one has an over view on every matter and they can and should be able to express their opinion and say whatever the fuck they feel the ...


Every one has an over view on every matter and they can and should be able to express their opinion and say whatever the fuck they feel the need to its optional and i don't think there is any such thing as a random statement every one says what the individual is actually thinking like right now i have spontaneous thoughts and i can say crazy things or in this case type crazy things but the fact is i thought about it first and then i said it ....

The screwed up idea that men rule the world

Guys are basically egoistic species in fact that goes for all male species this ideological assumption on how they dominate the human cycle is definitely absurd I'm not making this an argument I'm just stating the fact they are more dependent than they care to admit it's rad i hate the bullshit and resent the assumption....This ridiculous idea is a lot more common in Africa. its ridiculous 

Gay lifestyle

it really sucks that in reality we can't really face whats different .As humans we tend to fear different....woa woah i'm sure as hell not writing a school paper so here it goes gay or straight everyone has rights so quit being the critique be open minded and not be a jerk about who the person sitting next to you is in love with