
Showing posts from April, 2016

Push Yourself

Push yourself is a movement i have recently started to revolutionize a new world era. i see the changed the world is make i acknowledge them and now i have decided to join them, why not give everyone else the opportunity to do just about the same thing When i begun this blog it was definitely to show the world my lifestyle, the direction i wanted my life to go in and tell the stories i come across and find interesting enough to write about and that was just a thought toward growing as a person and bringing the world with me now i am here at this point where i feel like we make important life decisions, sitting in a room full of people at a strangers home talking about change and growth and accepting the fact that if you can't find an alternative to success in this economy the next best thing is to create one. like it or not we are all soldiers and we can choose to answer to the world or answer with the world. I have chosen to succeed together not to slave away all my life rely