
Showing posts from February, 2017

Push Yourself------- Push Together

I am African and Proud, Black by the beauty of universal design and I love everyone, I am thankful for every single one ☝️ on earth because we all add to the earth one way or the other, I love the earth  🌏, and By Default I love everyone in it, we can't all be the same. Or agree but we can flourish in our differences we can grow in our diversity if we do so collectively. As one unit we can make the world into an Eldorado of our own design. It's our Duty to make more of this world that what it was before we stepped into it. I take that responsibility to ❤️.  Today I and everyday after is an opportunity to live, Take it. And live with the callousness and carefulness that only you can balance. LGBTQ all over the world especially in Nigeria I recognize that living in a society that makes living impossible (Anyone suspected of engaging is homosexual activity is sentenced to 14 years in prison) is 'hard' that being the understatement of the year One person has to be willing

Oscars 2017 (Bringing Creatives together To Bully Donald Trump) ;)

GOoooood Morning World, its Cleo Again, Do I have your attention yet cause they have mine A world of possibility endless chatter amongst man roaming from one place to the other in search of Everything, not the one thing, not when the possibilities are endless. They Kicked off this years Oscars with a list of deep cutting jokes about the tupee'd President with a Tantrum. Making it the first time in history an American president is the Joke of America. But today i'm not writing about Trump, i'm writing about something far more important than any one man. Art, History in the making.  I will always be the first person to appreciate art come to life i will always believe in the dream of another human being as much as they believe it to  " To What extent, enough to want to follow you make it happen to Leave that legacy with you" Create the after effect of the life you dream we all see through the focus of both eyes becoming one people through connecting with each othe

PARADOX OF LIFE : Are You Curious Yet?

Beauty without intelligence is simply the public display of cosmetic foolishness. Read over the first sentence with care because it influences me everyday, reminding myself that knowledge is power, and that no one will give it to you, curiosity drives humanity. BE CURIOUS. Understand this people, the cure for Boredom is curiosity, And there is no cure for curiosity you needn't any. Curious is exactly what you need to be. Mind you curiosity will take you places, curiosity has been the reason for some of the best memories in my life, some of the most amazing ideas are born from curiosity.  I'm not fond of half truths so I'll be the first to tell you that curiosity has gotten me into trouble. i get into trouble anyway, Curiosity has gotten me into the most interesting trouble. Meeting amazing people seeing what the world really has to offer is my curiosity, whats yours. I was busy writing as usual when I got a message on my whats app that read " This quote from Bisho


Let all take a moment to acknowledge the media's growth from anti PDA to full on sexual pariah. The influence that has had on the generation that has followed and we can make our peace with the fact that the world has only progressed so far because of love and the beauty in diversity. Technology like cell phones, cars, airplanes social Media all invented from the love in human heart to bring one another together but very quickly diversified into a medium for greed. See past all that to the measure it speaks to human ability to love and to create, to dominate the earth. if we stop fighting each other maybe we can soon see it, "THE POWER IN UNITY" Mahatma Ghandi was a man whose methods should influence history repeatedly because we may appreciate the framed luxury of appearing to have a cold heart but in truth crave comfort and warmth. It's okay to love we are all the same, after the same goal its a system lets not let it break us down far enough to tear our humanity t

IVANKA FOR PRESIDENT (USA TODAY) "Women Deserve a sit at the Table"

No no no no no, "women have earned a seat at the table" sounds like something a man would say, Cleo says women have always belonged at the table, history has just been waiting for us to take our place, nothing is given to you, its time we just walked in and took a seat at their precious political table where the policies of concern are marriage of infant Female children (Nigerian Politics) to older politicians and illegalization of gay marriage, where the concern is building a wall and fostering conflict (American Politics). If history has done anything it has proved that we have all come a long way. But we've managed somehow to take 20 steps back because of the flaw in our leadership, where in a country like Nigeria sanitary pads for women is N350 (currently) $1 = N400 Think of the young girls in Nigeria, the ones in boarding school who cannot afford that, they can already barely eat as it is, Dear God what is expected of them, to use Tissue or to wash and reuse?They h


No seriously Happy Valentines day to everyone around the world, if you don't have anyone special today that's okay me either. Treat yourself, Be your own Valentine. Do YOU Know Her --------- Love is no stranger to long nights and Torturous weather, love is used to conditions that push a person, beyond the boundaries of your traditional aptitude  Moving at a velocity the emotions cannot fathom  causing your hard wiring to accelerate  You've done stupid thing in her name. followed people you should have stayed away from  love has shown you her many colors most of which  you have optimistically accepted think  of the many times she has dealt you a heavy hand think of the things you've done for her. The things you've had to go through for her  The things you've endured for her. Is she truly worth it?      Maybe........ How the hell should i know But i know she's painfully beautiful Satirically humbling, willfully blinding. b

America is Great Already.

It is with a heavy heart and a fading reality that my soul bleeds honesty as I put pen to paper on this day 7th February 2017. America, a land of milk and honey, thousands of IMMIGRANTS from all around the world have carried their pillows and made home on the soft cushions of her clustered bosom. And suddenly a mistake is made somewhere in the veins of history's unwinding and fate forces America to see her mistake with the face of an animated orange Bigot who is hasty to cause her back ache. America has always been, will always be an immigrant and home to immigrants, because first things first America is home to immigrants (Pilgrims: (Mayflower compact) See google for historical reference) seeking refuge from the Clutches of a Tryant who will rule with a religious bias and a self absorbed narcissistic ignorance. we are all different people. it is in our beautiful difference that we have allowed america to grow in, to change in, to inspire in, and now one man who does not see that o