
Showing posts from 2017

Nosotros no Somos Ciudadanos

Durante el trancurso de mi vida ha sida muy claro para mi el valor del Tiempo, tuyo y todos los demás.  También llegué a comprender la necesidad de pertenecer, de ser valorado, pero me di cuenta del ego y una economía consumista prometiendo felicidad en las ventajas materiales que ofrecían a un precio abrupto. El gobierno promete protección de lo que, el sistema que embellecen que de la experiencia no preserva o promueve la felicidad, pero el miedo de los demás es cómo te mantienen ciego la verdad irrevocable a su propio poder individual y supremacía colectiva. El miedo de las sirenas, el miedo de decir realmente lo que su pensamiento, el miedo de ser verdaderamente o incluso descubrirse a sí mismo. En un mundo de mentes la capacidad de controlar la perspectiva ha dado al sistema la ilusión de más poder de lo que realmente tiene y las personas han permitido que sus mentes para ser sistematizados en la búsqueda de la libertad en un sistema que le insta a dar más y más de distancia, C

IN MEM OF ORIAL (To all the Yogita Desai's of this world)

tO Be or not to be Brave men fight for Mon of Opoly butchering other women's children for differences they choose to see in them In the name of the freedom they have come to die and take from them For a cause they have been breed for by men who only need war Do you need  reasons more? O deceived Gods open your eyes and see you are each gods of different talents and an singular objective to survive and feel loved so why let a few demons in shepherd garments claim to have answers when you are well aware the answers live in each and every different one of us go from yourself and meet yourselves and some where with in you already lies the answer to the questions you will encounter. The Un- United states of water has spread through the globe from the starvation in very centered parts of west Africa and now to 256 districts across a whooping quarter of the population for all of India.. but don't take my word for it ask CNN and BBC Truth be told, the manner in wh

{ } IS NOT EMPTY #Genuistheories

Imagine a ball balling from space towards earth and the imagine another ball projected from earth towards the ball heading from space, nothing mind blowing about this visualization but the new TVseries Genius incorporating a close to home but potentially fictional display of Einsteins life and summation of the theories of his demise.                                                    Got me thinking........ What is time but a mere quantification of ones conscious experience. The brilliance of the mind on it's own escapades has allowed Man to stop time digitally and that was years ago when we started to take photographs and today media has a whole new meaning. But to stay on topic, Eisteen died trying to prove a very simple and rather reasonable conjunction that everything travels through something. Your voice to someone's ears though vibrations that then resonate as sound, your eyes see images as your brain is capable of translating the reflection of light f

Are you Religious?

Religion is based on Beliefs written by men hundreds of thousands of years ago (Dead men), Beliefs that cannot be challenged or amended, trapped within a time long past. No I believe in adaption as does our human biology, time isn't still outside of photographs. It keeps on moving so why should my mentality and my actions and my horizon, Why should my perspective stay the same. *Sad smile*. No knowledge is irrelevant knowledge. Everyone has something to teach you everything every experience is your body adapting to your environment as you allow it to interact. But with science you are helped to understand that every new development at the time it is discovered is progress, not absolute and finite but one step in the right direction understanding that the road is endless because the possibilities are too. So i say something to people who try to challenge my beliefs ever so often. No one religion is truth. But alas there is truth in every single one of them. But I am educated

Below her mouth.

Literally above and beyond romance a foot into seduction and a blend into erotic sexual attache Below her Mouth is a motion film that really puts the sexy deliciousness of two women falling in love into, well ... motion . LoL As Dallas and Jasmin make their way up the stairs I couldn't help the heat of the moment from getting to me on my end of the screen and I just sat there very Wet!. ...... "well That's one fabulously sexy way to get up the stairs in such a hot moment". And that scene in the bath tub a moment of absolute vulnerability a beautiful openness. Never before seen on screen in my shredded opinion. And just when I though I couldn't be any more surprised or serenaded her fiance walks in on her having a beautifully connected moment (My polite way of saying the scene literally thrusts the story in a very different direction) with Dallas( Erika Linder) in full stride. And the Actress who plays Jasmin( Natalie Krill) does an amazing job of rendering t

A Civil War

I have said it once before and I will say it again, The President of the United states is one huge scaly-wag with neither a bark nor a tail to wag in  the right direction. Donald Stump has continued to display qualities of a childish a childish tyrant in need of a diaper change and another go at the failing American educational institution. The  fact that we have to contemplate if he should reattend college or 5th grade is bigger proof how remarkably shit full the shituation is. Not that the experience will do him much good the second time around. But I am not here to tell you just how bad things are look on the bright side. We always have each other. Ha ha ha aha, like every naive individual experiencing the world we living from a broad horizon we recognize a world with more enemies than friends, a world run by devaluation of life, greed and little love. Know this, the universe will always take what you give it, everyone will so the question is are you giving love or contributing to


Over the years I've heard a lot of peoples opinion on love, understanding that people will only understand anything from the perspective their experience allows. I'm writing this for the people who've said to me  "Yes I've been in love before, Love hurts". No you havent been in love before, you've been in relationships before and love hurts absolutely no one, People do. Now let me help you understand love. Love is giving, love is seeing everything as you see yourself love is a projection of your soul and the energy that exists flowing with you and through you towards the world within your perspective(los ojos). Love is giving without expectation of a return Allowing Karma to deliver to you what is rightfully yours as you have demanded it.  Love is you and you are Love (God is love) You are God. So for the people still trying to SEE God you see him everyday in the eyes of the people you choose to either love or hate and like everyone else this is a u

🤦🏾‍♀️YOUR VAGINA!!☺️

Que Tal? Bastante bien. Hello my universe it's my pleasure to greet you again this beautiful morning. Why I am writing this article I still don't know but I feel like someone out there needs to know of this so please spread the word. Your Vagina! A moist cavity between your legs a center of pride and pleasure and some times pain. Lol damn it's a busy place isn't it 😳🤷🏼‍♀️. Your Vagina like everything Else you own is yours it deserves a whole lot more than just a quick rinse in the morning and a spanking at night👀. Just like you have a certain pugnacious smell about you when you haven't taken a shower 🚿 your Vagina .... let's just say everything has an odor but your Vagina is not everything it's your Vagina and when taken care of it feels like a true Vagina should(empowered). Most of you ladies wait for a man to be down there to tell you how your pussy smells. Sweety you better get down there and sniff your pussy so you are assured of its divinity bef

Without a Father 😖

Truth be told it's not so complicated why your father wasn't there for you growing up. No it's not because he's just a terrible person or a piece of shit dad. And Honestly don't really know why he wasn't there for you. But I wanted perspective or closure not for me but for everyone out there who's grown up without a father they truly neglected you, wasn't there to love you or teach you how to love yourself. Let me give you A very short break down of the world we've been molded into (this is everything that's wrong with your system) 🤧And why this is a sickening problem. As human you are born with one most precious most valuable gift 🎁 the gift of time. When you go to work and clock in you sell your time to someone else in exchange for PAPER something society has taught us truly valuable but are you truly happy. Then they (society) finds a way to batter you for who you have  become irrespective of  the conditions that forged your person 👺Now you


First do me a favor, as you're reading this pull out your phones and google the word government. If you're smarter than the average person you should already know this.  A  government  is the system by which a state or community is controlled. Now you're thinking here we go again another bored journalist has taken the time to deface your precious system forgetting all the good it has done. "WRONG" First i am not a journalist and second fuck your system . Like every good story i'll start from the beginning. People needed freedom, they escaped tyranny of white Europe and Monarchs who abused power and stole the rights of the people from them as they lived extravagantly enjoying the fruits of their citizens labor whilst they tasked themselves with fighting wars to further express their power both to their own people and their enemies. Using their already hungry and oppressed people to do it. Tsk Tsk Tsk. So a group of thankfully enlightened people escaped these

Colin Kaepernick A Free Agent (EMPHASIS ON THE WORD FREE)

COLIN KAEPERNICK from what I have seen, not heard is a free and conscious human being driven by goals he accomplishes regardless of the state of the chaotic universe. This is a man who daily finds peace within himself. FREE Agent, LOL the word free has a purpose in there, NOW regardless of the ignorant orange's (DONALD TRUMP'S) attempt at making  life difficult for a man who is focused and determined in accomplishing his goals, who still makes out time to be a human being and most of you humans are so busy looking for aliens among-st you, we have forgotten what it truly means to be human. As a human you are a god and as a God you are powerful enough to change whatever you want. While Donald Trump and members of the media spew hate and remind the people to be afraid it is left for those of us who truly see. To show the world the truth behind the facade. Life is love and to be Human is to love. The world is so much smaller than you think and recognizing that everything is about


As Long as You believe in you You can do any thing be anything, forget what the media's had you believe the last couple decades you don't need the clothes they make you pay more than you can afford for, you don't need the schools they jack up their tuition when in truth they've taught you absolutely nothing, you teach yourself when you pick up a book and use the mind God gave you, you're out there looking for a purpose he gave you everything you need to survive. We are the Body of Hope that will Inspire an Entire generation, we need to keep the ship afloat even when rainstorms arise, as you feed your body feed your mind, I know it's easy to believe you're broke sometimes, but as long as you believe in you Start to deposit in your most important bank ever (YOUR BRAIN) and you will see what I mean by You are the body of life, you own the keys to the cloud, please if you are reading this i beg of you believe in YOU we can make something of this world yet. Hope

Push Yourself------- Push Together

I am African and Proud, Black by the beauty of universal design and I love everyone, I am thankful for every single one ☝️ on earth because we all add to the earth one way or the other, I love the earth  🌏, and By Default I love everyone in it, we can't all be the same. Or agree but we can flourish in our differences we can grow in our diversity if we do so collectively. As one unit we can make the world into an Eldorado of our own design. It's our Duty to make more of this world that what it was before we stepped into it. I take that responsibility to ❤️.  Today I and everyday after is an opportunity to live, Take it. And live with the callousness and carefulness that only you can balance. LGBTQ all over the world especially in Nigeria I recognize that living in a society that makes living impossible (Anyone suspected of engaging is homosexual activity is sentenced to 14 years in prison) is 'hard' that being the understatement of the year One person has to be willing

Oscars 2017 (Bringing Creatives together To Bully Donald Trump) ;)

GOoooood Morning World, its Cleo Again, Do I have your attention yet cause they have mine A world of possibility endless chatter amongst man roaming from one place to the other in search of Everything, not the one thing, not when the possibilities are endless. They Kicked off this years Oscars with a list of deep cutting jokes about the tupee'd President with a Tantrum. Making it the first time in history an American president is the Joke of America. But today i'm not writing about Trump, i'm writing about something far more important than any one man. Art, History in the making.  I will always be the first person to appreciate art come to life i will always believe in the dream of another human being as much as they believe it to  " To What extent, enough to want to follow you make it happen to Leave that legacy with you" Create the after effect of the life you dream we all see through the focus of both eyes becoming one people through connecting with each othe

PARADOX OF LIFE : Are You Curious Yet?

Beauty without intelligence is simply the public display of cosmetic foolishness. Read over the first sentence with care because it influences me everyday, reminding myself that knowledge is power, and that no one will give it to you, curiosity drives humanity. BE CURIOUS. Understand this people, the cure for Boredom is curiosity, And there is no cure for curiosity you needn't any. Curious is exactly what you need to be. Mind you curiosity will take you places, curiosity has been the reason for some of the best memories in my life, some of the most amazing ideas are born from curiosity.  I'm not fond of half truths so I'll be the first to tell you that curiosity has gotten me into trouble. i get into trouble anyway, Curiosity has gotten me into the most interesting trouble. Meeting amazing people seeing what the world really has to offer is my curiosity, whats yours. I was busy writing as usual when I got a message on my whats app that read " This quote from Bisho


Let all take a moment to acknowledge the media's growth from anti PDA to full on sexual pariah. The influence that has had on the generation that has followed and we can make our peace with the fact that the world has only progressed so far because of love and the beauty in diversity. Technology like cell phones, cars, airplanes social Media all invented from the love in human heart to bring one another together but very quickly diversified into a medium for greed. See past all that to the measure it speaks to human ability to love and to create, to dominate the earth. if we stop fighting each other maybe we can soon see it, "THE POWER IN UNITY" Mahatma Ghandi was a man whose methods should influence history repeatedly because we may appreciate the framed luxury of appearing to have a cold heart but in truth crave comfort and warmth. It's okay to love we are all the same, after the same goal its a system lets not let it break us down far enough to tear our humanity t

IVANKA FOR PRESIDENT (USA TODAY) "Women Deserve a sit at the Table"

No no no no no, "women have earned a seat at the table" sounds like something a man would say, Cleo says women have always belonged at the table, history has just been waiting for us to take our place, nothing is given to you, its time we just walked in and took a seat at their precious political table where the policies of concern are marriage of infant Female children (Nigerian Politics) to older politicians and illegalization of gay marriage, where the concern is building a wall and fostering conflict (American Politics). If history has done anything it has proved that we have all come a long way. But we've managed somehow to take 20 steps back because of the flaw in our leadership, where in a country like Nigeria sanitary pads for women is N350 (currently) $1 = N400 Think of the young girls in Nigeria, the ones in boarding school who cannot afford that, they can already barely eat as it is, Dear God what is expected of them, to use Tissue or to wash and reuse?They h


No seriously Happy Valentines day to everyone around the world, if you don't have anyone special today that's okay me either. Treat yourself, Be your own Valentine. Do YOU Know Her --------- Love is no stranger to long nights and Torturous weather, love is used to conditions that push a person, beyond the boundaries of your traditional aptitude  Moving at a velocity the emotions cannot fathom  causing your hard wiring to accelerate  You've done stupid thing in her name. followed people you should have stayed away from  love has shown you her many colors most of which  you have optimistically accepted think  of the many times she has dealt you a heavy hand think of the things you've done for her. The things you've had to go through for her  The things you've endured for her. Is she truly worth it?      Maybe........ How the hell should i know But i know she's painfully beautiful Satirically humbling, willfully blinding. b

America is Great Already.

It is with a heavy heart and a fading reality that my soul bleeds honesty as I put pen to paper on this day 7th February 2017. America, a land of milk and honey, thousands of IMMIGRANTS from all around the world have carried their pillows and made home on the soft cushions of her clustered bosom. And suddenly a mistake is made somewhere in the veins of history's unwinding and fate forces America to see her mistake with the face of an animated orange Bigot who is hasty to cause her back ache. America has always been, will always be an immigrant and home to immigrants, because first things first America is home to immigrants (Pilgrims: (Mayflower compact) See google for historical reference) seeking refuge from the Clutches of a Tryant who will rule with a religious bias and a self absorbed narcissistic ignorance. we are all different people. it is in our beautiful difference that we have allowed america to grow in, to change in, to inspire in, and now one man who does not see that o

Its Not Immigrants Vs America Its Trump Vs America.

Remember first that America in all her beauty and promise started off an immigrant herself, Land taken from native Americans by pilgrim refugees.  It is soil. Refuge to every and any human with an idea and a promise that will in turn benefit america, Donald trump intends to turn America into south Korea where nobody is allowed to leave the  and America an immigrant that she is, wont allow it. It is that simple, but i have to ask you america, why the batons, and the tear gas and broken glasses and injured loved ones. I though we were better than this. Civilized? Its not all about putting on a suit and going to your 8 dollar an hour job where you are underappreciated and frankly expendable. There is society and communism, and if you'd look up from your devices for two seconds you'd see it all falling apart, don't fight Trump in the streets with banners and cause harm to yourselves and your brothers in blue do something Historic, Raise hell until your voice is truly heard with


Death is quite literally a means to an end. A letter should write itself You should concoct scenarios for your readers to create a complete picture from your words. Lead them along with you, The ropes were lax yet firm, i could tell these ones would hold, not that i had a vast array of options set aside i just didn't seem to want to visit the possibility that it would hurt at all. I had been searching for hours now, looking for the perfect one, feeling the touch of the rough weave of cotton that allowed the rope to feel so rough and hold so firm i  knew this one was special, so i walked towards the predestined destination. I was determined to finish this with the same enthusiasm as i had started it to begin with. the room held a poise aroma and a gradient feel of soliloquy embedded in the picture of it all even through broken lenses focus is and extract from, i got a little carried away, i must warn you in writing this letter it is the easiest thing to do. I secured the rope wit

DONALD Trump is Still President of the United States of America

There comes  a point in everyone's lives where we have looked out into the world with a scale and counted all the odds life has stacked against us. And most of us found it to be a hell of a lot more than we bargained for. Donald trump the oldest high-school bully in town still doing what he's been doing since the play ground. America Claims to Have free speech, but when the speech is genuine no matter how preposterous, they are shy to the fact that it is you're right. Donald trump is no different from anyone else, his story like ours is a rocky one, a man with the ability to capitalize resources and function decently in business not because of special expertise but solely on the gift god gave us, everyone has the gift of a brilliant mind, look hard enough and you'll find it. Donald is just another Caucasian white cock determined to leave a trail in history, we all want that, he just got there first. Now stop hating and keep an eye on his political pursuits to be certai

You've never been BROKE before.!!!!!

No ones ever truly been broke. Now i know having read the tittle of this post you've already had your squibs, so i have you marching through my posts like a hound dog tryna see me slip up and tell you some bullshit about how money always around the corner and that will stir you up enough to be like this bitch crazy, and maybe i am but come on you know and I know money is everywhere and you do anything to get it under the right conditions. But  when i say no ones ever truly broke,  what i mean is Your pockets may be empty but your true wealth can only b measured by your ability to acquire knowledge and the wisdom to apply it. They can rob you of your naira,  cedis, dinero, dollar, pounds you name it. but no one can take what you've stored in your head and that is your true value as a person. if your sand castle is toppled by the waves settling ashore rebuild a new one far enough away from the site of the first. No one is broke, just without the understanding of where their true

In A World of Likes and Retweets

We live in a world where we are  constantly checking our devices to see how many likes our posts get but have very little concern for how likable we are in person. (According to Falzthebahdguy welldone Ma, welldone Sir.) Be honest you've once posted a picture, and waited patiently to see how many likes that picture can generate, all you Instagram livers, staring into the camera hoping someone cares enough to tune in and see what you are up to, its so damn funny to me. People don't want actual friends, they can have an intellectual conversation with, not someone who can have very different moral, religious or even Jovial opinions that vary from yours, people want friends that agree with them, agree-ability is not a strong pillar for a lasting or even remotely real friendship. People are supposed to be unique, and we are, but a lot of us do so much in this day and age in the attempt to fit in. I want to scream and say stop! The goal is not to blend in and look, act, Dress and t

Fake people Showing Fake love to ME!

The truth is studies have shown that when you popping or have anytype of heavy cash inflow, the inflow of friends and family is far greater than a regular broke Tuesday. Why you ask? well simply because people are fake as fuck. Like OMG nobody tells you what they're really  thinking if they think it'll prevent them from getting something from you. If you are a celebrity reading this, you know i'm right, if you are a regular John doe from down the block you also know i'm right so I guess now that we've established this applies to everyone, tell me why so fake. Why people have lost their ability to communicate with each other, you cant  be stranded and ask just anyone you see for help in this day and age, you cant knock on just anybody doorstep and ask for a glass of water, in Texas, you'll be lucky if they don't take the liberty to shoot you for trespassing and call it self defense. We used to be realer than this, before everyone got uptight, started labelin