America is Great Already.

It is with a heavy heart and a fading reality that my soul bleeds honesty as I put pen to paper on this day 7th February 2017. America, a land of milk and honey, thousands of IMMIGRANTS from all around the world have carried their pillows and made home on the soft cushions of her clustered bosom. And suddenly a mistake is made somewhere in the veins of history's unwinding and fate forces America to see her mistake with the face of an animated orange Bigot who is hasty to cause her back ache. America has always been, will always be an immigrant and home to immigrants, because first things first America is home to immigrants (Pilgrims: (Mayflower compact) See google for historical reference) seeking refuge from the Clutches of a Tryant who will rule with a religious bias and a self absorbed narcissistic ignorance. we are all different people. it is in our beautiful difference that we have allowed america to grow in, to change in, to inspire in, and now one man who does not see that one true america cannot In-fact be allowed to continue to enjoy the privilege of stay in america let alone the audacity and entitlement of rule over America. Again it is with a heavy heart  that I find myself having to implore you America to stamp your foot before this orange tyrant finds a way to fit you all Black, White or Hispanic (lord knows it matters not to everyone seeing as we are all human) into a gray jumpsuit of colorless mentality, where we brutalize our own people our brother in the street, our families at home in constant worry praying for peace. Because of a call to 'Make America Great again', My dear America you are already Great. The man claims to want to fix America as he bends and breaks her further into the ages we seek  to forget. He is at peace and protected by his billions as america receives, repeatedly the lash of his very unkind rule. As capable of hate as we all are we would not want to see the brutality of war or the symptoms of a warring nation as we raise our children still burdened with the post traumatic stress embedded by the experience of the great depression, in the wake of the revolutionary war, The making of Americas independence will not and cannot be taken away by a man with twitophobia and a Tempter Tantrum.
I ask you America, the regular guy at a coffee shop on a good Saturday looking out the window to the life of a city you hope everyone can experience with joy in their hearts.
You the Suited up New-yorker with a fisted attitude towards creativity and enthusiasm for progress. I'm Writing to You the Regular guy at the barbers Shop and you the woman in the Salon. You at the Mosque praying your America can love you again, You Christian mother wondering what type of America her children will grow up to. I'm Saying say something before your hopes are TRUMPED by the harsh reality of a Trump kind of Corporate America.

                                                                                                        Cleo Out!! xoxo


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