
Showing posts from January, 2017

Its Not Immigrants Vs America Its Trump Vs America.

Remember first that America in all her beauty and promise started off an immigrant herself, Land taken from native Americans by pilgrim refugees.  It is soil. Refuge to every and any human with an idea and a promise that will in turn benefit america, Donald trump intends to turn America into south Korea where nobody is allowed to leave the  and America an immigrant that she is, wont allow it. It is that simple, but i have to ask you america, why the batons, and the tear gas and broken glasses and injured loved ones. I though we were better than this. Civilized? Its not all about putting on a suit and going to your 8 dollar an hour job where you are underappreciated and frankly expendable. There is society and communism, and if you'd look up from your devices for two seconds you'd see it all falling apart, don't fight Trump in the streets with banners and cause harm to yourselves and your brothers in blue do something Historic, Raise hell until your voice is truly heard with


Death is quite literally a means to an end. A letter should write itself You should concoct scenarios for your readers to create a complete picture from your words. Lead them along with you, The ropes were lax yet firm, i could tell these ones would hold, not that i had a vast array of options set aside i just didn't seem to want to visit the possibility that it would hurt at all. I had been searching for hours now, looking for the perfect one, feeling the touch of the rough weave of cotton that allowed the rope to feel so rough and hold so firm i  knew this one was special, so i walked towards the predestined destination. I was determined to finish this with the same enthusiasm as i had started it to begin with. the room held a poise aroma and a gradient feel of soliloquy embedded in the picture of it all even through broken lenses focus is and extract from, i got a little carried away, i must warn you in writing this letter it is the easiest thing to do. I secured the rope wit

DONALD Trump is Still President of the United States of America

There comes  a point in everyone's lives where we have looked out into the world with a scale and counted all the odds life has stacked against us. And most of us found it to be a hell of a lot more than we bargained for. Donald trump the oldest high-school bully in town still doing what he's been doing since the play ground. America Claims to Have free speech, but when the speech is genuine no matter how preposterous, they are shy to the fact that it is you're right. Donald trump is no different from anyone else, his story like ours is a rocky one, a man with the ability to capitalize resources and function decently in business not because of special expertise but solely on the gift god gave us, everyone has the gift of a brilliant mind, look hard enough and you'll find it. Donald is just another Caucasian white cock determined to leave a trail in history, we all want that, he just got there first. Now stop hating and keep an eye on his political pursuits to be certai

You've never been BROKE before.!!!!!

No ones ever truly been broke. Now i know having read the tittle of this post you've already had your squibs, so i have you marching through my posts like a hound dog tryna see me slip up and tell you some bullshit about how money always around the corner and that will stir you up enough to be like this bitch crazy, and maybe i am but come on you know and I know money is everywhere and you do anything to get it under the right conditions. But  when i say no ones ever truly broke,  what i mean is Your pockets may be empty but your true wealth can only b measured by your ability to acquire knowledge and the wisdom to apply it. They can rob you of your naira,  cedis, dinero, dollar, pounds you name it. but no one can take what you've stored in your head and that is your true value as a person. if your sand castle is toppled by the waves settling ashore rebuild a new one far enough away from the site of the first. No one is broke, just without the understanding of where their true

In A World of Likes and Retweets

We live in a world where we are  constantly checking our devices to see how many likes our posts get but have very little concern for how likable we are in person. (According to Falzthebahdguy welldone Ma, welldone Sir.) Be honest you've once posted a picture, and waited patiently to see how many likes that picture can generate, all you Instagram livers, staring into the camera hoping someone cares enough to tune in and see what you are up to, its so damn funny to me. People don't want actual friends, they can have an intellectual conversation with, not someone who can have very different moral, religious or even Jovial opinions that vary from yours, people want friends that agree with them, agree-ability is not a strong pillar for a lasting or even remotely real friendship. People are supposed to be unique, and we are, but a lot of us do so much in this day and age in the attempt to fit in. I want to scream and say stop! The goal is not to blend in and look, act, Dress and t

Fake people Showing Fake love to ME!

The truth is studies have shown that when you popping or have anytype of heavy cash inflow, the inflow of friends and family is far greater than a regular broke Tuesday. Why you ask? well simply because people are fake as fuck. Like OMG nobody tells you what they're really  thinking if they think it'll prevent them from getting something from you. If you are a celebrity reading this, you know i'm right, if you are a regular John doe from down the block you also know i'm right so I guess now that we've established this applies to everyone, tell me why so fake. Why people have lost their ability to communicate with each other, you cant  be stranded and ask just anyone you see for help in this day and age, you cant knock on just anybody doorstep and ask for a glass of water, in Texas, you'll be lucky if they don't take the liberty to shoot you for trespassing and call it self defense. We used to be realer than this, before everyone got uptight, started labelin


Think about it, we have a legal system that accommodates legal death to prisoners, The law thoroughly punishes you for little to no offense, its become more of a fight to survive than the orderly ease our founding fathers intended government to be. A whooping 85% of everyone reading this right now has had a  ticket before, a ticket or citation of some sort, whether it was parking, speeding, driving in the wrong fucking direction ticket, the point is the law has deemed you uncooperative at some point. And the conditions that led to which are unnecessary the point is you either did the right thing and dealt with it or put it in the trunk of your car somewhere that even you'll never find in the future. And if you were decent and say you did go to the office to get the ticket sorted or rectified, your time and money and efforts were wasted put through an unbelievably tedious bureaucratic System we call government. Their ridiculous confinement deliberately drain the already impoverished

America a police state? The Police is not your Friend, You are.

Woman calls cops on a cop.. finally, you've given her no choice but to do the very thing the constitution urges her to do when she feels threatened. And she has to walk away with 2 days in prison, and a 1,000 dollar worth bail bonds for her release. Please lets all take this moment to call bullshit in the most proper manner. (Whispers "Bullshit'). Realizing that in this world you have no friends is the first step to actually surviving this concrete jungle of life. Knowledge of the system first of all is your greatest weapon against the system. But a point where we have to acknowledge that our own political system is an enemy to us is in my opinion the cross road where anyone with common sense will decide to adjust the system,, but the fraction of us with any actual authority has decided that the way it is, is  profitable so why do we need to change it, My people have a saying, it is the owner of the shoes that knows where it is hurting  him, and after having worn it fo


. Anyone ever fall asleep and wake up in a white room, completely aloof of the path that led you there. sometimes in life when you try to plot a course, but its already been plotted, everything we've done in the moments that led up to this has been polished mapped out and embedded in time so all that happens as the day goes on, is destiny pulls you along the scope of that course, that's just how i choose to see the world sets us in the path that we were meant to go in because we as much as it pains me to accept, have absolutely no control over nothing. Enough of the negative vibes i just got from admitting to be powerless on paper, after having made this discovery that  Now in other news, it has come to my attention that MMM  (MAVRODI, MUDAIl MONEY BOX) has a bold face abi, only in Nigeria will a bank put a wrench in the lives of millions of innocent civilians who have been sporadically conned into believing that their investment were being taken care of. Imagine waking up