Its Not Immigrants Vs America Its Trump Vs America.

Remember first that America in all her beauty and promise started off an immigrant herself, Land taken from native Americans by pilgrim refugees.  It is soil. Refuge to every and any human with an idea and a promise that will in turn benefit america, Donald trump intends to turn America into south Korea where nobody is allowed to leave the  and America an immigrant that she is, wont allow it. It is that simple, but i have to ask you america, why the batons, and the tear gas and broken glasses and injured loved ones. I though we were better than this. Civilized? Its not all about putting on a suit and going to your 8 dollar an hour job where you are underappreciated and frankly expendable. There is society and communism, and if you'd look up from your devices for two seconds you'd see it all falling apart, don't fight Trump in the streets with banners and cause harm to yourselves and your brothers in blue do something Historic, Raise hell until your voice is truly heard without harming each other, because then it just looks like rebellious violence from a fraction of america, NOT THAT. We want America United and spoken for, Keep the American dream alive, make going to that underappreciated 8 dollar an hour job worth going to everyday, make raising our kids exciting because we can shape the future they fall into.  Trump Trump !!!! Cleo OUT!!!


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