
Showing posts from 2013

Our Demons

Random sounds within the mind Linger like snow and bite like frost seize your thoughts, invade your peace The sounds refuse to queil Faceless heads and shadowless people questions arise from ancient ghosts the trauma is time suspended in fright  defenceless against the headless horseman "neigh" the horse goes like a fierce beast still so calm after a drink and a cool feed A thousand men would wait a thousand years and answers still will cease to appear the truth cannot be hidden behind a glass wall or inprisoned by fear quake at the sound or rise to conquer "they aren't answering" you say then maybe your asking all the wrong questions or heading all the wrong ways stare for a century into empty space or say all the words you're too scared to say if we lived long enough maybe we'll use time better but even time as short would let us wager for who or agains who it's only a matter of time and on the final setting of the sun, you

Pretty little Liars *_^

Don't pretend to be so shocked the last episode with the Grave yard ...we all knew it was inevitable in a world like theirs the silence of the cemetery is their only hope for survival, don't dare to ask what happens if the cemetery isn't so silent because people will be buried. Spencer needs to find closure.. Hanna needs to hold on to Caleb more ..Aria need to make up her mind it's either you want Ezra or not if you don't I do... And lovely Emily need to realize that Paige isn't right for her and move on ....she's pretty she'll figure it out and for Christ sake the producers need to give the lesbians a little more lip and body action. For these four sexy devils one Lie is just not Enough   Looking for the girl in red lol they might as well be looking for themselves cause from where I sit the real liars are the real victims...........BOOO


If Olivia had a  sister I would die of grief...her Father brings a whole new meaning to the word vindictive her boyfriend Mr. President has decided to grow some balls and man up, and her little pet is slowly rolling off the deep end now she is really at the spot light having dealt with a heavy scandal of her own in the public eye can she deal with the scandal she's living privately...I'm just itching to find out The dangers excluded Olivia Pope's life is the perfect example of a corporate lie and death by a pencil good luck digging yourself outta this hell hole of a movie....

Walking dead

 Did Rick make the right move in not allowing Carol back to the prison after she killed two people in the hopes of stopping a deadly virus from spreading, or was she merely making the tough call that he was unable and unwilling to make because he was off farming? If I was a former Woobury resident I would be longing for the days of the Govenor's rule! What was the worst thing he did...have zombie fight night? I really like the Rick and Carol debate as well. I'm team Carol because at least she tried something to prevent the virus. She disposed of some people who were not part of the core group to try to save the core group. Here you have been fighting zombies and secured the prison only to allow all these new people in that are exposing you to a threat that is just as dangerous (or even more-so). She should have probably taken it to the council, but she knew that the bunch of wimps wouldn't make the tough decision. And don't get me started about her leading the othe

Vampire Diaries New episode...

ok I am officially upset.....Damon and Silas are both erotic as usual and Elena...ooooh it just get's better the fun escalates and the suspense is a downer... The two thousand year old witches are back and the Vampires are more terrified than ever so what now the travelers and Nadia Petrova play their very fine role and what about the  person taking refuge in matts body oh and least I forget Katharina Petrova has the pleasure of dying all over again. we have two Stefan's and 3 Elena's I am not about to faint I am in limbo.   Let's see what other fancy cookies the producers have baking in their very rusty oven For all our sakes Bonny better come back or we just might have a love sick Hunter on our hands

Finally Teen wolf.............

Who is "THE" Alpha .....

Walking Dead

This is one TV show people will not let go of... i think iot's worth checking out

Vampire Diaries

In other new The vampire Diaries have once again shocked my pants off....Stefan a doupleganger and Elena and Damon's relaationship DOOMED to fail? can the movie get any chillier...Ketsia is back and Silas is in for a whole new vengeance drama...people i am choking on suspence


Angry Angry!! they promised us a kiss between Demi and Naya and we got this What are we supposed to do with this people we are enraged!!! give us a kiss or we will riot..............................................................But i'm siked the sexy duo are gonna have a little stage time

What does the fox say?

The knew Video by the smashing hot duo has me shaking in the knees. Now honestly it's not my thing but i find it ridiculously sexy that the Brothers could fiercly rattle up both toddlers and adults with this ...cackicacki cacki ho.....guess it pays to be crazy once in a while  THE HUNKS ARE ALSO CHARMING FOXES. They have America asking "WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY?"

Patience "a merry jest"

Que up on the line so long Tired from a lazy day no work Sweet smell from the other side a torment on your nose The dream awake of the special thing a wonder to us both single que so long the wait if i could i would steal a fishers bait and trap it in my hook Who knows what lays at the end of the line that smells so good it aches i need a closer look, a peek if you may just little proof my nose still works and that it's worth all the wait a bite maybe if what i smell is worthy of my taste oh do be nice and let me closer just close enough i pled just one more inch don't leave me here with very eager men Show me, let me see i've waited long enough patience cleo patience wait your coming turn first i pled and then i knelt and all for something old i've seen this fruit it smells so good but taste like rotten soup you led me on and made me want you tricky crooked fool i taught you patience and watched you wait oh what a merry jest let you see that what y


Dark and silent in this lonely room weak and broken with substantial proof silent screams and loud whispers scary smiles and covered blisters When will i again see the day still when will i be removed from the suns mighty rays will i smile another pretty smile again? or will i be broken the rest of my darkened days Another question yet lingers Drawn to a pile of confusion and a heap of dust Forgive me if i now know not who to trust Sketching the day with weary fingers each stroke the brushes mistake not mine a tragedy how the paper falls short of life Only my sadness can the brushes ignite so far from over, a battle within myself a search for meaning i tempt my inner beast i long for reasons, i ask no answers come should i smile another scary smile like the world again has done or is the day not coming forth leaving me broken in darkness yet with the suns mighty trust now open and free to tell the world what i see my questions i have buried deep within a sea

Tap Tap

Within for wall confined hidden from the rain protected from men as well through this one window two visions bind see yourself or see inside each others minds Bored and tired if only your buttocks could speak sitted beside the window but can only from the inside peek stranded on your island stripped of rights and will bound by no schakles but by your mind alone and when the clock strikes twelve your enemy is served to you in a colorless cup hidden beneath your tongue waiting for the men in white to move on blank stares into the long white hallway They don't care they never will Forget them all just ignorant fools Take heed the drops tap tap their noisy fall the window strong but still it falls and trapped forever you lay within these walls


The sun a smiling friend will visit a summer morning hidden in winters closet not light not dark a friendly prison love wraped in tight, like a ladies corset Heat a harsh reminder for all glaring eyes unmoved by the fall again and again a victim of love always in awe of the forbidden sun a cry of the needy tears shed in plea wanting and aching for a thing out of reach a knock on your door is fate with an axe a wave of its hand a crack in your heart need all you want and watch from a distant still love is sharp and cuts through its victims when want has failed and calls with the sea sailed off deny the lily rain drops from the cloud above fate will win so fight still fight even the trojan horse will fall try still try be the odysseus aw it all and when a quake is heard the ground will part and love in itself takes revenge leaving you with the broken heart

Mouantain Climb

We fall we rise and we fall again, its an order i have a very complex very broad imagination  and i'm not going to let it go to waste. The clouds the water the trees the way they stand move they are telling us something they are calling out and its our job to hear. i know this sounds crazy but go hiking one day try as hard as you can to climb that scary mountain try so hard it hurts and when you get to the top and feel that adrenaline pumping that satisfaction that empowerment of the rise scream, to world let the trees the soil even the mountain hear you and when your done go back down and look up. You will always see yourself up there at that very top screaming the same words over and over again every day every year you go there and look up and you see yourself you see your accomplishment your not crazy your smart because that one climb and the memory of it is not the past its a stepping stone for many other memories, many other mountains its the present every other day and that m

Diary of a Nymphomaniac

Did you ever wonder what goes on inside other people's heads, well i do all the time and when i try to picture it; well lets just say its rated 18. Now i am underage so i may no be the best reference for this sort of thing, but i can assure you I've done my research. "Hypersexuality" Don't act surprised, everyone, and i mean everyone including myself has that brief moment in their life where they just zone out and into a world where the word pleasure is the ending of a prayer. I can tell you it is normal, which it is and i can also tell you, you need it. Life gives you a lot of things, but it takes a whole lot back as well, your time, your happiness, your heart, your MONEY. When this Trance or so to speak becomes the basis of your day to day then you don't need fixing, your life does. Moments are moments and when they last longer than they should it becomes a problem; when all you act on, think of, feel is that heat, that passion, that yearning for ***, you ha

I am 15 years old IN TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY............

My life i guess if just beginning. I'm seeing new things, meeting new people and feeling new emotions. It's safe to say that i am evolving or growing as a person; But i begin this Journey with one thing in mind "MY DESTINATION" i had a class one day an the teacher had us listen to a song and the words i picked out were "IF YOU DON'T WHERE YOUR GOING, ANY ROAD CAN TAKE YOU THERE" I know where i am going and there is only one road for that i want to be famous i want people to know me, but first right now, i'm getting to know myself.

A movie life.

Some times in life along the lonely path, we loose our selves and the journey to redemption becomes a search and an attempt at reinvention so inevitably its up to us "you!" to discover who you are ok i don't mean discover i feel its more like you create the person you want to see in the mirror. Think of it like football how you create your own player, how tall you want him to be, the color of his skin his abilities, how far you want him to be able to run that , all that applies to us "you!" its a search for a way to create the perfect you and nobody says it's gonna be easy. In fact it is trying and lonely it's you against the world, against all odds but its not how strong you are, its how much your willing to sacrifice to win its how strong your will is. Today for me is a new day to wonder to ask, to explore i ache to know what this world has to offer. You may be a doctor who is exhausted from a long night of work and has to sleep in the rest of the day


Finally i arrive at the place that can either redeem me or take away from me what i have left of my humanity let the games begin


Phycological facts about life  "A man's life moves in the direction of his dominant thought" See life as a game; All the tools required to play this game are within your reach, all you have to do is use the right tools at the right time. It's a tricky game though. But there are rules to every gams=e so your game has it's rules.  In this game of life there can be different kinds of players you can be the soldier who plays only to win and gloat, the pawn who just need another level to look forward to, A pessimist who only plays because he has to, an opportunist who will take advantage of any situation or lastly, the survivor not in to win or to loose just to survive. But remember the key factor of this game nothing is a coincidence, everything is a sign, a piece to unravel this mystical game we call life and be aware the mysteries are what keep you in the game. You have a lot of questions and as one gets answered another arises it never ends until you end

Chapter 1

CHAPTER 1. Assembling The troops The temple is alive with sounds, The monks muttering their prayers, the new intake's asking questions, the noisy ringing from the bell towers the footsteps from every direction. It looked so new and impressive they had Transformed the temple made it better, wider and cozier, i started to remember my years training with the monks peace is not in my nature but i was taught by excellent masters. Iroh stopped one of the monks ; He never had a bone for patience "Where is the master" "Master Roshi is in that Temple" he said pointing in the direction of a huge temple that stood between two bell towers it was a magnificent site to behold and one not soon forgotten. They all look alike dressed in the same robes and all hairs shaved, but the Master always had specific details in his robe he sat in the same posture as the rest of them as he meditated we felt the necessity to do the same But i had too much on my mind to focus on Nir

Make over Gone Viral


My new book

CHAPTER 12: I can hear the light bulbs flicker in the distance. There is a white sheet spread over my entire body my naked body, i find out after lifting the sheets for a quick peek. The metal bed i find myself laid upon is more discomforting than that no good excuse for a sleeping bag i had back at camp. There is a curtain shielding me from the rest of the room and judging from the trolley full of surgical equipment i'd say i were in a hospital. rubbing my index finger and my thumb in circles over my forehead doesn't seem to help stop the throbbing in my head. I pull open the curtain in a rush revealing a countless roll of metal beds just like mine gripping my sheet tight around me i proceed to each bed pulling aside the curtains, making a horrifying discovery. At the first bed there was Alane and the next Adrian and then Reinhold he looks a lot more friendly knocked out. And on and on an endless pile of unconscious friends and family all loved ones pale and lifeles

Battle the unknown

CHAPTER 9: Partial recall. "What am i supposed to tell the others" Adrian whispered painfully "what ever you want to, if you want to" "so you don't care what they think of you" "Adrian you know i do more than anything else i don't want the family to hate me but this is important this is for us" his voice is shaken his eyes pierce firmly into Adrian's eyes their thoughts corrupted by emotions i can only feel their pain, "How long will you be gone?" silence fills the room i fear they might hear my hearth beat if some one doesn't say something "As long as it takes" his brows bend on his face as he turns in my direction anger and pain wash over him i can hear his skin burn under the hot red blood that now spills from his eyes he lifts his head attempting to muster courage that is long gone to make it easier for Adrian to let him go "Your in charge now, take good care of them do what i can't do anymo