
Showing posts from February, 2014

Glam hurts only when you've got it

Dear Loyal bloggers and listeners, the word hit me like a shard of glass as well, to hear it said seems totally wrong. Glamour sound chirpy doesn't it but take a page out of the books of those who actually have it, the world knows Justin Beiber's hay ride to unlimited happiness definitely burns in a hurry, Brittany spears wasn't too merry herself, and even Obama has a lot of middle fingers shot up in his campaign  now i don't choose sides, no i leave that to you but i'll tell you this much once your face hits the spotlight the darkness becomes a faded memory. They call it bad press, i call it too much press. Either way a bad story is just as good as any and even juicier.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Chow...Zena out Don't say i told you a thing

Kris Jenner Pressures heavy Rob K to walk it OFF

Hello charmed people of gossip nation, i hear an old Madam finally calls on no one for help, can't say i'm surprised. Kris Jenner has always held a special place in my cold heart, we all admire her, aside from being a failed Momager she might be succeeding at managing such a chaotic family, all the money in the world couldn't make up for having Kim for a daughter so kudos Kris. And what is this i hear about a new man in the picture i would ask if he clicked a couple zero's in the financial department but knowing you; i'm certain he does. So with that said leave our dear Rob and his heavy personality to live their very uneventful life, who knows with a tummy like that he just might get you a baby for thanksgiving this year.                                                                                                                                  Chow....Zena out

It's Time for Superwoman to Super date already

Good morrow to you too.... Dear Loyal Bloggers a minor hiccup has come to my attention, you tube's priced possession Lily Singh aka Superwoman needs a superman to sully her white soul. Dear Lilly has kept her YouTube followers guessing and crushing for months in a row, end our pain and show us king Singh or at least tell us what goes on behind the scenes if you won't tell, we'll dig like hell. Pretty doesn't make mama and papa brown some grand babies add a dash of handsome to the equation.                                                                                                                      Chow.... Zena out!!

Lilly Singh Aka IISuperwomanII Gay or YouStraight

Hello my loyal bloggers, this relationship is easy, i write you read, you're like the friends i'll never have. Our fav You tuber has a knack for keeping her private life private, but with curious fans like me lurking around i only wonder how long that can last. Now i have been asked a popular question, is dear old Lilly a cucumber or good old fashioned apple fan, i wonder too, so i'm putting it out there, who is in fact eating her apple a man or as we'd all prefer a sexy lady we'd rather love to meet. Lilly may joke and have us laugh, but who does she take to dinner, besides her witty sense of humor. Let the story write itself i really hope superwoman has a super someone or that'll mean she is super alone...don't wait up guys it's past my bedtime.                                                                                                                               Chow....Zena out!!!

Miley Cyrus Shares a little tongue with little ladies

Hello loyal bloggers, Milei Miley Miley, oh dear Miley your little kissing game seems to spark relationship flames all around, first Katy Perry little lips which i envy by the way, now Mrs Brooke so crooked.  Looks like you having fun tongue rapping the female celeb population, call me if you ever get Taylor Swift. a tiny question for you though, are you gay or playing gay because either way you got the whole world rooting so keep those photo's coming. oh and sorry Katy i see Miley was Perry naughty but you said it yourself "you liked it"                                                                                                                                 Chow......Zena out!!

Miley Cyrus grows a pair of horns instead of a pair of wings

Good day loyal Bloggers, looks like our favorite butterfly decided to sprout her wings after all. My dear old friend Miley keeps me smiling with her awesome transformation from innocent brunette to naughty Goldilocks, her taste is shorter and hotter just what the doctor ordered. Now i don't know if it's her growing talent for writing good music or her ability to keep the public curious to see what new dish of crazy dear Miley will be serving.  Now parents are complaining and people are definitely talking trash about our favorite celeb whore, but we really should let the girl grow up, your kids change somewhere along the line, Miley deserves a chance to change too. even if it is into "a twerking tramp" (not my words) personally i love the change, it proves audacity and confidence and the music got a hell of a lot better, you go Miley you may wear a horn and show a lot of tongue but you have my vote for hottest bitch on the block...keep doing you!              


Good evening loyal bloggers i believe i have kept my lips sealed about a certain bad boy in the making but today, i spill on every little info there is....Justin Bieber takes sexy and makes the tittle "Dushy". Weed, brothels, Dui's, Racing? how much more can we take dear Justin. With a new album eons away you better come up with a juicy comeback story to salvage your career or i know three little sexy stars banking on your crash and burn. ( Ross Lynch) I don't kiss and tell. Justin's need for speed taking him down a bumpy road, but at least we know he's behind the wheels, Poor Selena has to endure bad press as well, oh Justin get your shit together or say goodbye to the public eye!.                                                                                                                             Chow...Zena out! From Super boy to Bad boy..tsk tsk tsk Beiber mummy's watching!

The VD's give Damon a well deserved make over

Well my loyal Bloggers you can imagine my shock to see sexy Ian canoodling with another sexy British hotie. The question of kiss or kill not far off from the point..  I wonder just how much more oil needs to be spilt to show the clueless Salvatore that dear Elena had a makeover of her own, and it didn't happen in a shabby motel. with Tyler out of his doggy chains and a certain Petrova about to die for good, how many boxes of vervain is it gonna take to keep one hungry Vampire from going Osama bin Laden on all our favorite Vampires... Tick tock tick tock, careful Katherine soon you'll be a mother of none. Thumbs up to The VD's crew you just made my night....                                                                                                                                                           Chow...Zena out!



We all have secrets #skeletonkeys

“You don’t win by not fighting at all” Staring into the desolate valley reeking of dead mawn he drags the body into the trunk of his 1972 Ford country cedan, he slams the trunk closed, negligent as to whether part of the body was caught in-between of course it wasn’t. He throws Rose the car keys nodding twice, he was sure she understood letting the key fall into her arms she jacked open the weak door and settled in with imposed haste. He steps back as she starts the ignition rearing the engine for effect she drives off leaving a fog of dust in her wake going 60km/h on the old Cedan. He watches for long enough until the dust in the air becomes unbearable he starts to walk back into the cave, mimicking events in his head, he was close now, he needed to be discreet still everything depended on the next move, he had come too far and sacrificed too much to let his hard work go to waste. Deandre brushes his palm through the

The inner workings of fear

Sometimes I hear them, down the halls, their wailing, like falling down and falling again, and again “how do they fall if they’re not even standing” I ask. I hear the screeching on the walls, it echoes it’s like thunder but the storm doesn’t end, I’m wrapped up into a ball in my small corner of this corrupt atmosphere, people pass by, every second they don’t pause they move on slowly with a blank look on their faces, terrified of their own demons. The walls are wet, the floors soaked in blood and tears but where else can we walk, where else can we let our tears fall. The screams grow louder; it starts to sound like they are pounding on the walls, they torture me but in their defense they too are tortured, the passersby grow thinner, at first it was in seven’s then thirds and now all I see are hungry mice scouring the grounds for an overdue breakfast. The sharp cold starts to sting you, the first reminder of loneliness, in reality the sun is shining, but you just can’t see it. You see