
Showing posts from March, 2017


First do me a favor, as you're reading this pull out your phones and google the word government. If you're smarter than the average person you should already know this.  A  government  is the system by which a state or community is controlled. Now you're thinking here we go again another bored journalist has taken the time to deface your precious system forgetting all the good it has done. "WRONG" First i am not a journalist and second fuck your system . Like every good story i'll start from the beginning. People needed freedom, they escaped tyranny of white Europe and Monarchs who abused power and stole the rights of the people from them as they lived extravagantly enjoying the fruits of their citizens labor whilst they tasked themselves with fighting wars to further express their power both to their own people and their enemies. Using their already hungry and oppressed people to do it. Tsk Tsk Tsk. So a group of thankfully enlightened people escaped these

Colin Kaepernick A Free Agent (EMPHASIS ON THE WORD FREE)

COLIN KAEPERNICK from what I have seen, not heard is a free and conscious human being driven by goals he accomplishes regardless of the state of the chaotic universe. This is a man who daily finds peace within himself. FREE Agent, LOL the word free has a purpose in there, NOW regardless of the ignorant orange's (DONALD TRUMP'S) attempt at making  life difficult for a man who is focused and determined in accomplishing his goals, who still makes out time to be a human being and most of you humans are so busy looking for aliens among-st you, we have forgotten what it truly means to be human. As a human you are a god and as a God you are powerful enough to change whatever you want. While Donald Trump and members of the media spew hate and remind the people to be afraid it is left for those of us who truly see. To show the world the truth behind the facade. Life is love and to be Human is to love. The world is so much smaller than you think and recognizing that everything is about


As Long as You believe in you You can do any thing be anything, forget what the media's had you believe the last couple decades you don't need the clothes they make you pay more than you can afford for, you don't need the schools they jack up their tuition when in truth they've taught you absolutely nothing, you teach yourself when you pick up a book and use the mind God gave you, you're out there looking for a purpose he gave you everything you need to survive. We are the Body of Hope that will Inspire an Entire generation, we need to keep the ship afloat even when rainstorms arise, as you feed your body feed your mind, I know it's easy to believe you're broke sometimes, but as long as you believe in you Start to deposit in your most important bank ever (YOUR BRAIN) and you will see what I mean by You are the body of life, you own the keys to the cloud, please if you are reading this i beg of you believe in YOU we can make something of this world yet. Hope